Catholic Learning Online

Professional learning to support teaching

The CEnet Catholic Learning Online (CLO) Working Group brings teachers, administrators and education support staff opportunities to participate in online professional learning events.

The CLO initiative is the result of collaboration between CEnet Member Dioceses, with a team of diocesan educators identifying and coordinating expert workshop presenters from within the membership and the broader community to deliver professional learning that supports the use of technology authentically in learning and teaching and administration.

Upcoming Events

March 2025

Professional Development : CLO + PD = Yes!

If your State or Territory requires you to accrue elective PD, your attendance at a CLO event could help! CLO events are potentially addressing one or more of the following standards:
2.6 - Information and Communication Technology (ICT), 3.4 - Select and use resources, 4.5 - Use ICT safely, responsibly and ethically, 6.2 - Engage in professional learning and improve practice, 6.4 - Apply professional learning and improve student learning, 7.4 - Engage with professional teaching networks and broader communities